Custom Webpart

Sharepoint comes with OOTB webparts with whom you can't play too much. There are certain webparts that require customisation to fulfill client needs. We create custom webparts. So far we have developed more than 150+ custom webparts. From simple to extreme customisation. We have taken data from Azure, Graph API, Sharepoint List and mail exchange etc.


Product Details :


Custom webpart


Your site URL where you want to add webpart.

Use of any external API?


Product Configuration:

License key::

Provide valid license key

List title:

Provide list title for webparts


Details about what are the functionalities and design you want add.


Admin(with full controls)

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Project Consultation
Project Consultation

We provide you with all technical consultations for your project.

Project Estimation
Project Estimation

You come to us with your project, and we do all of the planning and costing for you.

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Schedule Your Appointment

We assist you in scheduling appointments whenever you wish to meet us.